7 Creative Vertical Herb Garden Ideas

Last Updated: February 2, 2024

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Herbs are one of my favorite things to grow in my garden. Since I’m always looking for ways to grow more plants, I’ve been looking into vertical garden ideas, and I think these vertical herb garden ideas will help me create a new vertical herb planter for my backyard.

One of the issues I have with my backyard is that the DIY herb garden I built a number of years ago is falling apart.

Plus, it’s not big enough to hold all of the herbs and vegetables I want to grow.

So, I want to build new one that doesn’t take up too much space, but still has lots of room to grow.

And I think a vertical herb and vegetable garden is the perfect solution.

I’ve been doing some research to come up with vertical herb garden ideas that might work, and thought I would share what I’ve found.

1 | Grow A Vertical Herb Garden Fence

Herb vertical garden made from pots hung between wires ©robyn charnley - stock.adobe.com
©robyn charnley – stock.adobe.com

The first of my vertical herb garden ideas is to grow herbs in pots by attaching them to a fence or screen.

You can fit a lot of herbs and vegetables in a small space this way. And they each get their own space so the aggressive plants won’t take over (Yes, mint, I’m talking about you!)

However, this would definitely require an automated watering solution to keep these small pots from drying out.

2 | Repurpose Some Gutters

Lettuce planted in gutters as a vertical garden ©Aisyaqilumar - stock.adobe.com
©Aisyaqilumar – stock.adobe.com

Installing rows of gutters and using them as planters is the next one of my vertical herb and vegetable garden ideas.

Lettuce growing in a vertical vegetable garden made from gutters ©Aisyaqilumar - stock.adobe.com
©Aisyaqilumar – stock.adobe.com

The gutters are easy to hang on a fence or some posts and are the perfect size to hold lots of herbs or smaller vegetables like lettuce.

Water should be able to flow along the gutter so watering should be a little easier. Especially if you hang them on a slight slant and drilled holes in the ends so the excess water would flow down to the next level.

3 | Create A Vertical Herb Garden From Plumbing Pipe

Vertical herb garden made from plumbing pipe ©teguhjatipras - stock.adobe.com
©teguhjatipras – stock.adobe.com

A similar idea which would probably cost less is to create a vertical herb gardening from plumbing pipe.

Drill plant-sized holes in 4″ plumbing pipe.

Then fill the tube with soil and plant your herbs or small vegetables (like lettuce).

Make sure to also drill small drainage holes in the bottom of the tubes to let the water flow through.

You could install these on a V-shaped stand like this one or hang them on your fence.

4 | Make A Bamboo Vertical Herb Planter

Long vertical herb garden made from large bamboo stalks ©tuk69tuk - stock.adobe.com
©tuk69tuk – stock.adobe.com

Using large bamboo stalks as planters is another creative idea for creating a vertical herb garden.

It is shaped a lot like the plumbing pipe vertical garden above, but has a more natural look to it, which might fit in with your garden a bit better.

Vertical herb planter as a trellis

For a more compact version, you can also make a triangular bamboo trellis to grow your herbs in.

5 | Build a Vertical Herb Garden Pallet

Vertical herb garden pallet ©ingusk - stock.adobe.com
©ingusk – stock.adobe.com

Pallets are very popular these days, and this customized vertical herb garden is a great way to take advantage of them.

Cutting out sections of the wood to suit different sized plants makes a lot of sense functionally and also looks interesting.

You could either keep the plants in small pots that are installed inside the pallet (perfect for indoor herb gardens!) Or close off the bottom of each section and fill it directly with soil.

Or if you don’t feel like modifying the pallet, use it as the railings for hanging herb window boxes.

Read the step-by-step tutorial for this easy vertical herb garden HERE.

6 | Name Your Herbs

Vertical herb garden pallet with chalkboard plant labels ©Tatjana Balzer - stock.adobe.com
©Tatjana Balzer – stock.adobe.com

While this isn’t technically a way to plant a vertical herb garden, I think this idea would work for whatever solution you choose.

Paint the section below each plant with chalkboard paint*. Then you can label which herb or vegetable you are growing where. And change the labels if you plant something new.

Using chalk markers* instead of regular chalk is probably a good idea to keep it from getting washed off.

7 | Buy A Vertical Herb Planter

Self-watering vertical herb garden*

Of course, if you don’t feel like making your own vertical herb garden, there are lots of options for buying one.

This one* has a self-watering system, which means it stores the water so you don’t have to water as often.

Fabric pocket vertical herb garden
Fabric pocket vertical herb planter*

This fabric pocket vertical herb planter* is an inexpensive and easy way to start growing herbs.

Just hang it on a fence and fill the pockets up with soil. Then you’re ready to start planting.

Just make sure to keep your watering can handy if you live in an area with hot summers. You’ll probably need to water every day.

Free standing vertical herb garden

Free standing vertical herb garden*

If you don’t have a place to hang up your vertical herb garden, a free standing version may be what you’re looking for.

This one* lets the water from the top box cascade down to the other ones so you aren’t wasting any.

Stay tuned to find out which idea(s) I’m going to use for my backyard makeover! And hopefully, you’ve found some inspiration for your own vertical herb garden.

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Vertical herb garden ideas

This post was originally published on April 5, 2019 but was updated with new content on February 2, 2024.

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